For some reason, forgiveness is one of a Christian’s most difficult actions. It should not be hard for Christians to do this! Non-believers, yes, I would understand them not willing to forgive without the Holy Spirit guiding them. My pastor of 20 years, Vance Eubanks taught me, over a long time, the best time to forgive is the same day of the offense toward you. Jesus set the best example for forgiveness in this passage…John 20:19,20…. 19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.

His disciples had abandoned Him in his darkest hours. They ran and hid in fear. Peter even denied knowing who Jesus was. After His resurrection these men were sitting around in a locked room, scared and not knowing what to do next and Jesus appeared to them. Does he scold them? Does he chastise them? No, he shows His love for them when He says, “Peace be with you.” Not what they deserved, certainly not what they were expecting. Jesus never brings up their abandonment of Him. All is forgiven.

There is no record that they asked for forgiveness. Sometimes we want someone to come to us and seek forgiveness. That has never been a part of God’s plan. God’s plan is we go to Him and seek forgiveness. 

We like to have qualifiers for forgiveness. Maybe we require the offender to suffer our unforgiveness and cold shoulder for a month or two. Now if they want to apologize and show me some remorse then maybe I will consider forgiving them. We do not see this from Jesus. Forgiveness never has conditions.

Jesus forgave us before we were born. He died and rose again to take away the sins of this world. His forgiveness was and is unconditional, compassionate, and full of loving grace. 

If there is someone we need to forgive, we need to follow through and forgive them. That same forgiveness we were given from God needs to be extended to others. We must model the love Christ extended to us when he forgave us and forgive those who have wronged us now. He did not wait around and contemplate it, He did it. Think about who that person is and make it happen today. You already know what Jesus said about those of us who do not forgive others.

Jim Everett

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James Everett
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