In a spinoff of the Nigerian proverb,” it takes a village to raise a child,” “it takes a village to raise a community.” This Christmas was once again like the thirty-eight prior ones, as the Elks Lodge 2539 joined with quad city village businesses and residents to raise up the Christmas spirits and brighten the lives of ninety-eight children in forty-two families along with fifteen seniors in the community. It was another successful year thanks to our partners: Bumper to Bumper, Community First Bank, Cozy Nook, Dollar General, Emerson, FNBC, Harps and SID. Also included this year were two outside sources: Ollies & S&K Ministries. The joint effort by all with their contributions of clothes, food, and money, along with all the special Elk elves and angels who donated their time, talent, money, and more enabled these families and seniors to truly have a Blessed Merry Christmas. To: the village, thanks, we are so grateful for this. From: your community!
Elks 2024 Christmas project a success
By News Release|2024-12-30T07:29:34-06:00December 30, 2024|Community, Featured, Libraries & Books|Comments Off on Elks 2024 Christmas project a success