The Izard Couty Sheriff’s Department has offered these tips to help ensure area students have the safest travel to and from school. “With all area schools getting ready to start a new school year we want to remind you of a few school bus safety tips for the road.

“Drivers should follow the speed limit and slow down in school zones and near bus stops. Remember to stay alert and look for kids who may be trying to get to or from the school bus.

“Slow down and stop if you’re driving near a school bus that is flashing yellow or red lights. This means the bus is either preparing to stop (yellow) or already stopped (red), and children are getting on or off. We will have zero tolerance for anyone passing stopped school bus.

“If you witness someone passing a stopped school bus please call the Sheriff’s Department at 870-368-4203 and give the description of the vehicle (with the license plate number if possible), location, and direction of travel.”

Hallmark Times would add that if an issue occurs in Sharp County, the Sharp County Sheriff’s Department can be reached at (870) 994-7329, and for occurrances in Fulton County, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department may be reached at (870) 895-2601.

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