A bingo fundraiser to benefit the American Veteran’s Memorial in Ash Flat will be held Saturday, March 29, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Elks Lodge in Cherokee Village.
According to Adjutant Julie Decker with the American Legion Post 346, admission is $15 and will include one bingo card with additional cards available for $5 each.
“This is for repair work and maintenance for the American Veteran’s Memorial in Ash Flat. It is almost 20 years old, it was finished in 2006 and this has been slowly creeping up,” Decker said.
For some time, the memorial has not had a committee after many of the founding members passed away. Recently, Ash Flat Mayor Larry Fowler commissioned the forming of a new committee whose members are Lauren Siebert, Dick Sackett, Justin Scheel, Andrea Vogt, Julie Decker and Jean Crossett.
“There was no real committee anymore or fundraising efforts so the American Legion Post 346 has taken the lead on fundraising efforts for this great memorial,” Decker said.
After nearly two decades, the memorial has begun to deteriorate, specifically, the crumbling of the faux stone which encompass a large portion of the memorial.
“There are so many individual bricks and people who have entrusted the memorial for their loved ones. Not only the bricks but the statutes and war memorabilia that have been donated in honor of veterans or their family,” Decker said. “We need to preserve and honor that.”
For more information, to make a donation or to learn more about the bingo fundraiser, contact any member of the American Legion Post 346 or Julie Decker at 870-751-0239.
Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.