An ATV/ Jeep Ride slated for Feb. 18 at Loberg Park to raise funds for increased security in the City of Hardy is fast approaching.  

According to Hardy Police Chief Scott Rose, the purpose of the ride is to help raise funds for new camera systems that will be installed throughout the city. 

“It’s for the intended purchase of cameras. We plan to place two cameras on the KAIT Weather Cam Tower, hopefully, and one would point toward dollar general and the other point downtown. The businesses have their own cameras, but it provides more protections and shows us angles that may not be covered otherwise,” Rose said. “It is also an investigative tool, and these systems are high tech, high resolution and hold information for 90 days. So, if we need to go back, we can.” 

 Rose said Main Street is not the only area that will see increased protection and the cameras serve not only as a deterrent and extra set of eyes but can also be used to stream events on Hardy’s website. 

“There will be cameras placed at the pavilion near the play area and it will cover all the kids at the play area, bathrooms and out toward Loberg’s residential area. There will be another set covering the front of the park where the walkers are. 

Prior to the ATV ride, lunch will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. consisting of chili, hotdogs and all the fixings. Rose said that those who want to support the fundraiser but not ride can bring family and friends to the lunch, pay an entry fee and all occupants of the vehicle may eat. 

“The ride will take off after lunch at 12:30 and we’ll go to the game reserve area and to the Turkey Pen Shooting Range. Mike Orosz has opened his facility to us. From there, we’ll go to Campground Number 4 and then we’ll stop at HaWeiand Island, which is Kurt Weiand’s river lot where we will start giving out some door prizes,” Rose said.  

Cash prizes and door prizes will be given away, something Rose said was made possible through the support of local businesses.  

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.