Conflict or confrontation is something most people want to avoid. Supervisors or managers do not enjoy having difficult conversations with their employees. It is completely normal for two people to disagree on just about any subject. Presidential debates are a great example of conflict at its worst.

Husbands and wives do not like to be in conflict or engage in a confrontation with their spouse, but guess what, it happens more often than we would like to admit. We both have our own opinions and we both like to make them known. The word confrontation implies hostility but usually is a clash of words. President John F. Kennedy was faced with The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. It was a confrontation of words and some action that almost led to nuclear missile launches. No one really wants confrontation to escalate, especially between Countries.

Think about when God confronted Adam and Eve after they had sinned. Would you like God to walk up to you and confront you about your sin? I know I would not like that at all. God uses His Holy Spirit to convict us of our sins. God is aware after what happened in the Garden that we are going to sin. There is no condemnation from God when we sin, that comes from the evil one.  Repentance and seeking His forgiveness, is the path God desires us to follow.

The best advice I ever received regarding this subject, was from Pastor Vance Eubanks. It was during an Upward Basketball season about 15 years ago. I had to have a difficult discussion with a player and his parents about teamwork. The player would consistently get the ball, dibble down the court  shoot the balland make it 8 out of ten times. The other four players on the court seldom got to dribble or shoot. I was the referee, and it was my responsibility to have that talk. The parent was the Chief of Police in a nearby town. I was concerned this could lead to a confrontation quickly.

I asked Vance about it before I spoke with the family and player after the game. He said, “Jim, always view conflict, as a ministry opportunity”. What he was saying to me was, “be Jesus”. To make a long story short it was a healthy conversation, and the player understood what I was saying when I asked him,” what would Jesus do?” He said, “Jesus would pass the ball and let His teammates shine instead of Himself.” I told him he was by far, the best player on the court but teamwork is the best way to play the game because we are not keeping any scores and both teams are winners in the eyes of Jesus.

The Sadducees and the Pharisees were always wanting to engage Jesus in a confrontation. He would not allow it. Jesus would question their hypocrisy and their understanding of scripture, and it silenced them. Jesus was not about engaging is a hostile argument of words. He would let them know they were wrong in wanting to be seen as perfect. What upset them the most, is Jesus ignored their unimportant rules about the Sabbath.

Let’s all live our lives like Jesus. Loving others like Jesus.Forgiving others and toning down our conflicts to where Jesus is at the Center helping to find resolution. No one likes going to bed angry. I will leave you with this tip. If you are involved in a heated argument with your spouse, say this, “ let’s take a time out and pray over this, then immediately begin the praying. The other person will not keep arguing while you are talking with God.” Be nice in your prayer, do not tell Jesus how wrong they are!!

Jim Everett

I wrote this devotion over a week ago. Yesterday morning, I lost my temper at work and got into a serious exchange with my boss and her boss, along with another employee at work. No foul language, but a terrible example of a Christian man. I cleaned out all my stuff, because I fully expected to be fired. I went home and sought out counsel from a Christian brother that I look up to with deep respect and he advised me to apologize and seek forgiveness from God and the two bosses along with the employee. I did that and forgiveness was given. I was back at work this morning. I tell you this because I am a transparent man. God still has a long way to go on me. If I mess up, and I will, I am going to admit I am wrong and do what needs to be done to repair the damage I caused. I am still a sinner, saved by the grace of God. Where would I be without His loving grace and forgiveness? Lost


James Everett
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