I was on my way to Dallas TX for some training for a week with AT&T back in 2006. I will never forget it. It is embedded in my mind. I stopped at a liquor store in a small town, and I headed into the store to buy a Penthouse magazine. Satan’s temptation had overcome me. I was going to be alone for a week and who would know what I was about to do. As I was walking toward the door I looked down and on the left side of my chest, I saw this, Prairie Grove Christian Church! Yes, it was right there on my polo shirt!

The conviction of the Holy Spirit came upon me, and I turned and walked back to my car. Then I though to myself, if I had not noticed that what kind of witness would I have been to that store clerk or to other customers inside the store. God must have known my weakness and made sure I put on that Polo shirt that morning. When I mentioned above, who would know, my Lord and Savior would know for sure, and He would not be pleased with my thoughts and actions.

Temptation is something we men deal with a lot. I am not sure if women have this problem but talking with other men, and hearing testimonies from other men, we battle satan and his temptations every day. The biggest battle I have is with thoughts in my mind. Sadly, God knows my every thought. I wish He just knew my good and wholesome thoughts.

Fleeing and resisting temptation is not easy but it is required if we are to defeat satan in a battle. We have to recognize we are weak, and we need God’s help to overcome temptation. We must speak boldly to satan and tell him, “get behind me satan and flee from me in the name of Jesus!”

No matter how long you have been a Christian you will face temptation as satan tries to bring you down. Our struggle to not sin is a daily battle.  James 1:14 NIV but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. We are humans and satan will do everything he can to seduce us to our own fleshly cravings.

1 Corinthians 10:13 But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it. My way out, was my Polo shirt!

The Word of God is our greatest weapon against satan and temptation. Quote it to satan. Read it out loud and soak in the scriptures. When temptation comes knocking on your door, all you’ll have to do is draw your weapon, aim, and fire. It worked for Jesus when he was tempted by satan in the dessert, it will work for us too.

We will fail from time to time, and we need to seek forgiveness from God for that sin. We must not let sin prevail in our daily walk with Jesus. Continuous, constant sin against God will destroy our spiritual walk with God. It leads to spiritual death and physical death. James 1:15 NIV Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

Be careful in this world, satan is prowling around us all the time waiting to pounce. Resist him. Fight him with the Word of God.

Jim Everett


James Everett
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