While internet goers continue to hound Cave City and its police department, the community has rallied for their police.

The controversy follows the release of a narrated and edited video compilation accusing a Cave City police officer of “attacking a disabled veteran”, during an arrest.

The video created by social media influencer, “The Random Patriot” shows multiple interactions Sargent Trint Milligan had with Cave City resident 63-year-old Gene Short over an extended period of time from Sept. 11, 2021, through Oct. 3, 2023, the date Short was arrested and banned from City Hall as a result of his actions.

Although the controversial video has sparked outrage and comments on social media from across the globe, those who live and work in Cave City stand behind their department.

One supporter, Johnathan Parker, who owns MayT’s food truck, went as far as to provide free meals to the members of the police and fire departments.

“I’ve always had a passion for cooking and at an early age, I loved dancing and singing in the kitchen with my gramma, mimicking whatever she did. Her food was always amazing. I actually named my food truck after her and my God-Mother.,” Parker said. “Having my granny in the kitchen and my dad patrolling the streets I always felt safe. I’m personally not in law enforcement but my dad, Leon Parker has been in law enforcement for over 30 years.”

Parker is a native of Helana Ark., and said it very much has the same feel of the small town of Cave City. Although he currently resides in Evening Shade, Parker said he conducts his business in Cave City.

“I moved to Cave City about six years ago but moved to Evening Shade. I have been running my business in Cave City for almost three years, my three-year anniversary is August. 26,” Parker said. Helena was a little bigger than Cave City, but the crime rate is double there. To think someone would take time to mock the very same law enforcement officer that is patrolling and keeping them save is crazy to me. I felt the urge to do something and stand behind who is protecting me and my family. Give them some recognition for them risking their lives. Showing love is how I was raised and that’s just how I run my business. A little love goes out the window with every order.”

According to Mayor Jonas Anderson, the outpouring of support from the community has been overwhelming.

“There are businesses feeding officers lunch for free, sending food down to the department, people putting up yard signs, they’re ordering up license plates in support of the department, commenting on social media and naming specific officers and how much they appreciate them. It is very encouraging,” Anderson said. “It is a shame, In the video that was posted, even the author of the video even said he couldn’t fully verify everything he was told that he was purporting and unfortunately, there is no video that exists showing what happened in side city hall before officers arrived. So it is a very one sided glimpse into a much larger situation.”

Anderson said that in step with the support of the community, there has also been an onslaught of threats not only to offices, but to city hall employees as well.

“The vast majority of the negativity, threatening and vile and vulgar language is coming from people who appear to be living out of state and we’ve even received death threats at city hall. This is all come from a video especially for people who live out of state who clearly have no idea about this community or any community in our area,” Anderson said. “They don’t know about our police officers or the history of the gentleman involved and it’s really unfortunate. It is shameful you would threaten the life of officers or city hall staff over a video and a situation that you really you don’t have a good understanding of.”

When asked if he had a message for those who may question the circumstances involved, Anderson said he would welcome conversation, and that accountability is a cornerstone.

“In Cave City and I expect this in other communities and across the country. There are instances where people make mistakes. Police officers, teachers, church leaders, we are human and we all make mistakes. Law enforcement and elected officials can be held to a higher standard. In Cave City, if we make a mistake or if we wrong a citizen we are going to correct it. We will make it right. I don’t want there to be this idea we take the rights of our citizens lightly or when someone complains that we brush it off. If there is something truly that takes place that needs to be corrected, I want people to know, we will correct it,” Anderson said. “In this situation I am absolutely convinced that we handled this as best we could, in the context of a much larger issue here with the repeated confrontation. I want people to know they can trust the city government and police department here whether we need to correct an issue on our end or out in the community.”

Anderson also said he wanted to extend his thanks to the community for their outpouring of support.
“If anyone has a question about this, I am an open book. They can reach out anytime and I’ll be happy to discuss it with them. Hopefully the positivity we are seeing that is overwhelming continues and I know our officers appreciate it,” Anderson said.

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Lauren is a an award-winning journalist who decided after 10 years of newspaper experience to venture out. Hallmark Times was born.