Jesus was talking with his disciples in a parable about a Mulberry tree in Luke chapter 17 verse 6. I have read this verse before but only in a literal sense, not truly understanding the significance of it.


He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.


The mulberry tree is a tree with a tremendous root system. They can live to be over a hundred years old. This tree can withstand the harshest conditions climate can throw at it. It is not going anywhere. It continues to bear fruit even when faced with what seems like impossible circumstances.


The mulberry tree symbolizes obstacles, challenges, and difficult circumstances in our lives. It represents the power of faith and the ability to overcome impossible situations. The mulberry tree highlights the importance of unwavering faith in the face of challenges and serves as a reminder that with God, all things are possible. It symbolizes divine guidance and provision, encouraging us to remain steadfast in our beliefs and trust in God’s promises.


In this life, we will face obstacles and circumstances that seem bigger than anything we can imagine overcoming. It can at times destroy our will to live. I think right now of the family of Corey Comperatore. A family outing to support former President Trump. He shielded his family and gave his life for them. Now, this family is faced with overwhelming circumstances, obstacles, however with faith in Christ, even as small as a mustard seed they can say to those circumstances and uncertainty of moving forward, “be uprooted and thrown into the sea.” We can’t imagine the pain and sorrow right now in this family. Faith in God is their hope.


Each one of us will be faced with insurmountable circumstances, probably more than once in our lives. While on our own, trying to uproot a mulberry tree seems an impossible task literally, it is our faith in the One who can, that carries us on forward. Corey’s wife and children need our prayers in the weeks and months ahead.

When our family lost our son Jason, it seemed impossible to go forward with life. We leaned heavily on Christ then and continue even today, with our faith in Him to carry us through that traumatic, numbing, devastation in our lives. He will always be missed.


My encouragement to you this morning is no matter what harsh circumstances life throws at you, trust and lean on your faith in Christ, and with His help, tell that obstacle (mulberry tree) to be uprooted and tossed into the sea! Continue to live and bear fruit for Christ even to over a hundred years of age. I love each one of you.


Jim Everett

James Everett
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