White River Medical Center (WRMC) recently announced the selection of the 2021 Employee of the Year: Russell Staggs, Security Officer. He was the November 2021 Employee of the Month as the representative of Prompt Response, one of the five PRIDE (Personal Responsibility in Delivering Excellence) Standards.  PRIDE standards are the guiding principles of customer service for White River Health System facilities. The Employee of the Year is chosen by WRMC employees, and the nominees are those who were chosen as Employees of the Month in 2021.

Russell started working as a security officer for WRMC in 2016. He is often complimented by his co-workers for his prompt response, dedication, and willingness to help when and wherever he is needed. When Russell is not at work, he enjoys spending time with his son, Rusty, daughter, Sydney, and his two grandsons, Cayden and Morgan. Russell was chosen by WRMC employees through an anonymous voting process.

The Employee of the Year was revealed during a virtual WRHS Employee of the Year celebration honoring all the Employees of the Month.  Those honored include; Julie Branscum, Information Systems; Kellie Cooper, Laboratory; Erin Beth Hays, Pharmacy; Shalina McDaniel, ICU; Angie Odom, Cancer Care Center; Tyler Sandlin, APRN, The Children’s Clinic; Angela Smith, Human Resources; Breanna Stubbs, 3 Central; Christina Sweet, Nursing Administration; and Krista Trimble, PCU. The WRMC Employees of the Month are nominated by their peers for best demonstrating a PRIDE standard. The PRIDE standards are Prompt Service, Respect, Involved, Demeanor, and Environmental Focus.

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